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Pulse International, the association and network for International Safety & Security (ISS) professionals in higher education, commissioned this updated white paper, which was written independently by Joseph Levy of Levy Global Support, a certified Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR), who oversaw ISS at Harvard University from 2010 to 2016.


This paper explores why ISS has become a critical function with dedicated resources and expertise, examining the roles and skills of ISS professionals. It provides guidance on effective ISS structures in higher education, their evolution to meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff, and offers insights into hiring considerations, job levels, titles, and resource requirements.


White paper updated November 2024

This resource kit is a companion to the white paper, State of the Profession: International Safety & Security in Higher Education, and was written independently by Joseph Levy of Levy Global Support (LGS).


Before using this resource kit, please read the white paper for context on the ISS role and how to structure an ISS function. Once an institution decides on a structure, this document provides utilitarian resources for implementing ISS, including career paths, job descriptions and benchmarks, on-call strategies, and further reading.


Please fill out the form below to request a copy of the resource kit.​​

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